
无老师优秀范例:However, the notion that "advertisement always make us disappointed" sometimes results from consumers' unrealistic expectation of products. Advertising easily makes people to imagine "perfect" products which are not realistic at all, but consumers would rather keep this unreasonable hope. Then they would be inevitably disappointed by the actual products which cannot be so perfect, and attribute the cause to advertising. But it is actually the unrealistic expectation that eclipses any product, because a perfect image is absolutely subjective and could not even be realized. For example, I once signed up for a group tour to Lantao Island in Hong Kong, being attracted by the beautiful landscape pictures posted in the advertisements. But later on in the journey I was disappointed because actual scenery was never as attractive as what I had expected. Therefore, an unrealistic expectation is to be avoided in making any buying decision. 无老师优秀翻译:但是,这样一个说法“广告总是令我们失望”,有时是因为消费者,对于产品不切实际的想象。广告很容易使人去想象一个完美的产品,(但)这根本就不存在,但是消费者宁可去坚守这个不切实际的期望。接下来,他们不可避免的失望,因为这些真实的产品不可能那么完美,并且将错都算到广告的头上。但是实际上不切实际的幻想会吞噬掉任何一个产品,因为一个完美的想象是绝对主观的,甚至是很难意识到的。例如,我曾经参加一个旅行团去香港的大屿山,就是完全被广告里面美丽的景色吸引了。但是接下来,这个旅程让我失望了,因为实际的景色完全不像我想象的那样。因此,不切实际的想象应该在买东西的时候尽量避免。 无老师平庸范例:But the statement that advertisement always makes us disappointed, sometimes because customers’ unreal thinking. Advertisement are easily making us think a perfect product, but it does not exist, but customers still want to insist the unreal thinking. Then, they will be disappointed, because the real product would be not perfect, and they will blame the advertisement. But in fact, the unreal thinking will kill any product, because a perfect thinking is absolutely subjective, and even could not be noticed. For example, I joined a group tour to the dayushan, because I was completely attracted by the photo in the advertisement. But then this group tour let me disappointed, because the real view is not as my thinking. So, when we want to buy something, we should avoid the unreal thinking. 在今天的平庸范例里面,无老师又故意加入了几个小伙伴们常犯的错误,你看出来了么? 实话实说,本篇满分作文很多的表达方法非常的地道!比如eclipse,Lantao Island,landscape,tour,这些小词用的好到位的说! 首先看第一句,优秀范例However, the notion that "advertisement always make us disappointed" sometimes results from consumers' unrealistic expectation of products.对比平庸范例But the statement that advertisement always makes us disappointed, sometimes because customers’ unreal thinking. 首先优秀范例用notion引导了一个同位语"advertisement always make us disappointed",这在国内的考生之中运用得比较少,直接增加了句式的多样性,接下来的results from就是大亮点了!对比一下本身就有语法错误的平庸范例你就能发现,国内的小伙伴往往只会僵化的使用because来表示因果联系,但是在书面语之中这种用谓语动词,来表示因果逻辑连接的比比皆是!因此虽然只是一个简单的固定搭配,但是其实是大亮点!接下来的unrealistic expectation虽然不是特别漂亮,但是用词准确,对比平庸范例的unreal thinking甩出N条街。而且在这里特别提一下的是,平庸范例有两处错误,第一是the statement没有谓语,第二是because应该引导一句话,但是在这里仅仅是一个名词性结构,因此应该改用because of。这都是中国考生极为常见的错误!因为我们写作文的时候,经常是简单的做中译英,而不去思考英文之中的语法是否正确。 第二句,优秀范例Advertising easily makes people to imagine "perfect" products which are not realistic at all, but consumers would rather keep this unreasonable hope.对比平庸范例Advertisement are easily making us think a perfect product, but it does not exist, but customers still want to insist the unreal thinking. 这里优秀范例用了一个小词imagine,虽然很简单,但是比起平庸范例的think,准确很多!接下来没有像平庸范例那么复杂, but it does not exist,而是直接一个定语从句which are not realistic at all,是的句子的连贯性很好,而且用一个at all来表示程度,锦上添花!接下来的优秀范例用出了would rather“宁可”这样一个固定搭配,加分!接下来又是一个固定搭配“keep one’s hope”加分!而且作者还充分意识到了用词需要多样性因此前面用到了realistic之后,这里特地选用一个unreasonable!再加分! 第三句,优秀范例Then they would be inevitably disappointed by the actual products which cannot be so perfect, and attribute the cause to advertising.对比平庸范例Then, they will be disappointed, because the real product would be not perfect, and they will blame the advertisement.其实看这句话的时候,我们就会发现,优秀范例也有平淡的时候,很显然,本句话的句式就与前一句话差别不大。但使用词还是很好的,inevitably和actual products还是用的满准确地,不过接下来,亮点还是出现了attribute……. To这样一个固定搭配用的很好!而且没有落俗套的用reason,而是用了the cause,很赞!本句话平庸范例不算很差,而且blame用的还不错,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……。 第四句,优秀范例But it is actually the unrealistic expectation that eclipses any product, because a perfect image is absolutely subjective and could not even be realized.对比平庸范例But in fact, the unreal thinking will kill any product, because a perfect thinking is absolutely subjective, and even could not be noticed.看到这里,我们就可以发现平庸范例的单调了,做一个but,有一个but,做一个because,有一个because,完全没有新意,不给你低分才怪!这里优秀范例的it is actually 其实是对the unrealistic expectation有一个强调的感觉的,这个用得很妙!接下来又用了eclipse这个词,加分很多!小伙伴们可以好好查一下这个词,多背几个例句,好好体会一下!这里平庸范例,就没有体会好eclipse这个词的感觉。下面优秀范例的absolutely subjective在巨石上来说只能算是一般,但是从作者的角度,能想到”主观“这个层面,这是很难的,可以说不管是中文还是英文,都还想得蛮深刻的,加分!而且还能进行递进and could not even这个用的很好!不过接下来realize到底想表达的是“实现”,还是“意识到”,这个就见仁见智了,估计只有原作者才能说清楚。 第五句,优秀范例小亮点是一个接一个!优秀范例For example, I once signed up for a group tour to Lantao Island in Hong Kong, being attracted by the beautiful landscape pictures posted in the advertisements.PK平庸范例For example, I joined a group tour to the dayushan, because I was completely attracted by the photo in the advertisement.这里优秀范例的signed up、tour、Lantao Island、landscape、posted几个词用的都非常棒!关键是美国人就是这么用的!不像是我们中译英翻译过来的很多词,美国人其实都不用!signed up(报名)参加……,而不像join就是进入了一个群体,怎么进入的,不清楚。Tour,你在美国出去玩一日游,用的就是tour,Lantao Island香港的大屿山,而不是像平庸范例那样用拼音,landscape表示景色,风景,暗示给人一种愉悦的感觉。Post就是张贴的感觉,这一串的小词都用的极为准确!而且优秀范例还用了being attracted by来增加句式的多样性,让人眼前不禁一亮!反观平庸范例的because,真让人昏昏欲睡!后面的photo也跟优秀范例的beautiful landscape pictures posted没法比!优秀范例就是超模!photo就是路人丙的感觉。 倒数第二句,优秀范例But later on in the journey I was disappointed because actual scenery was never as attractive as what I had expected.对比平庸范例But then this group tour let me disappointed, because the real view is not as my thinking.优秀范例的later on并不亮眼,但是平庸范例继续又用then之后,我们发现优秀范例,有意的在换用不同的词!加分!其后优秀范例actual scenery又是秀了一把自己的单词量!赞~\(≧▽≦)/~!而且最后的what I had expected写的也很赞,看你是看不出来的,这么写你就懂了what I had expected to see。看到这里你就发现其实优秀范例的what I had expected就已经写出了所有的意思,这里的to see就是画蛇添足了,在这里,简洁就是美! 最后一句,优秀范例Therefore, an unrealistic expectation is to be avoided in making any buying decision.对比平庸范例So, when we want to buy something, we should avoid the unreal thinking.在这里看到平庸范例之后,就发现我们写的这么麻烦的从句when we want to其实在优秀范例里简单的in making any就写出来了,我们写的真实太笨重了,而且优秀范例的an unrealistic expectation用词非常准确!点个赞!最后,优秀范例的is to be avoided其实写的很简洁,要知道,我们很容易写出we should not……,但是这里被优秀范例一个词avoid就全表达出来了!这就是优秀范例为什么好!一个字顶你一万个字!能不好么! 作文巨讲堂就是这么牛!看不懂作文巨讲堂,就不要想拿托福作文的高分了!因为这就是满分作文的标准!