
等了又是一年,奥巴马作文模板终于又来了。通过奥巴马同学的演讲,可以看出来,现在他作总统已经做出感觉来了,以前都是当议员,说出来的内容都是很顺耳,但是同时是很空洞,而没有意义的,当然这也恰恰是作文模板所需要的,因为只有空洞,才好修改吗。但是现在已经进入奥巴马同学的第二任任期,说到的内容都十分具体,不敢说掷地有声,但是都是能切中要害的,但是这也给我们带来了问题,也就是月是具体的内容,我们就越是难于修改成作文模板,所以现在制作出一期奥巴马作文模板,需要的阅读工作量真的是巨大啊。 对于奥巴马模板来说,有些考友有时会觉得看不懂,因此,无老师在这里做一些讲解。每一个模板分为3部分,第一部分是原句,也就是原来这句话是怎么说的。第二部分是通过修改而成的模板。这个模板里面的XXXX的部分,是需要你进行替换的。有时需要填上名词,有时需要填上句子,有时需要填上形容词,具体填写什么形式的内容可以通过原句来进行推断,当然无老师也在(括号)之中进行了提示。第三部分,则是一个小建议,可以用在作文的什么部分,有的可以作文的主题句,有的可以作文的例子,而有的只能用在特定类型的文章之中。 比如说这句: Education was the gateway of opportunity for me. XXXXX was the gateway of opportunity for XXXXX(Somebody). 强调XXX对于XXX发展的必要性 这里第一个XXXXX需要填写的就是本文所强调的主题,该用一个名词,比如说leadership,它的词性显然跟原剧中的education一样都是名词。第二个XXXXXX在括号中已经进行提示,该填写一个人,比如说Bill Gate, the CEO of the enterprise Microsoft. 好了,话不多说,主菜!上! So in the coming days and weeks, I hope that Republicans will come forward and demonstrate that they’re really as serious about the deficits and debt as they claim to be. So in the coming XXX(时间) , I hope that XXXXX(somebody) will come forward and demonstrate that they’re really as serious about the XXXXX as XXXXX(somebody) claim to be. 本句可以用于提出自己的观点,也可以在举例中表示对某人的希望 ———————————————————————————— And if we can come together, have a serious, reasoned debate -- not driven by politics -- and come together around common sense and compromise, then I’m confident we will move this country forward and leave behind something better for our children. And if we can come together, have a serious, reasoned debate -- not driven by prejudice -- and come together around common sense and compromise, then I’m confident we will come to XXX(自己所支持的观点) and leave behind something better for XXXXX(文章主题). 可以用于提出自己的观点,也可以用于作文最后一段一开始的结论句 ———————————————————————————— We believe in an America where no matter who you are, or what you look like, or where you come from, or who you love, you can make it if you try. We believe in an XXXXX(本文主题所处的范围,如果主题讨论是否该养鱼,那么范围就是我们这个社区) where no matter who you are, or what you look like, or where you come from, or who you love, you can make it if you try. ———————————————————————————— But I want especially the young people to understand, you should feel confident about our future because our problems can be solved, our challenges can be met. But citizens in each city want especially the young people to understand, we should feel confident about our XXXXX(文章主题) because our problems can be solved, our challenges can be met. ———————————————————————————— After 30 years of not doing anything, we raised fuel standards so by the next decade, middle of the next decade, your cars and trucks will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. After 30 years of not doing anything, America raised fuel standards, so by the next decade, middle of the next decade, our cars and trucks will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. 专门用于环境话题,说提高油的质量的必要性。 ———————————————————————————— Education was the gateway of opportunity for me. XXXXX was the gateway of opportunity for XXXXX(Somebody). 强调XXX对于XXX发展的必要性 ———————————————————————————— we don't just talk the talk, we've walked the walk. XXXXX(Somebody) don't just talk the talk, XXXXX(Somebody)have walked the walk. 可以作为总结句,也可以作为例子。说的是某人对主题付诸了实践 ———————————————————————————— We cannot afford to ignore what the overwhelming judgment of science tells us: that climate change is real and that it poses an urgent threat to our people and our planet. We cannot afford to ignore what the overwhelming judgment of science tells us: XXXXXX(威胁) is real and that it poses an urgent threat to our people and our planet. 用于强调本抨击的观点的现实威胁。 ———————————————————————————— It began as a national discussion on pollution and came to embody a simple truth: that nothing is more powerful than millions of voices calling for change. It began as a national discussion on XXXXXX(文章主题) and came to embody a simple truth: that nothing is more powerful than millions of voices calling for change. 用于提出本文主题 ———————————————————————————— This is not something where folks are going to be studying the issue for six months and publishing a report that gets read and then pushed aside. This is a team that has a very specific task, to pull together real reforms right now. This is not something where XXXXX(somebody) are going to be studying the issue for six months and publishing a report that gets read and then pushed aside. This is a team that has a very specific task, to pull together real reforms to XXX(文章或者本段主题) right now. 本句话一定只能用于很严肃的主题,这两句话说的是这件事不是说说而已,而是一定要做,而且要落到实处。 ———————————————————————————— And we continue to stand behind innovators and entrepreneurs who will unleash the next wave of clean energy technologies and drive long-term economic growth. And XXXXXX continue to stand behind innovators and XXXXXXX(某人) who will unleash the next wave of clean XXXXX and drive long-term economic growth. 本句话用于对某个观点表示支持,如果是环境话题的话,甚至可以把主语一换,直接就写在上面。 ———————————————————————————— And that is why this statue belongs in this hall -- to remind us, no matter how humble or lofty our positions, just what it is that leadership requires; just what it is that citizenship requires. And that is why this statue belongs in this period -- to remind us, no matter how XXXXXX or XXXXXX, just what it is that XXXXXXX requires; just what it is that XXXXXXX requires. 强调某些特质是很重要的,如果是领导力的文章的话,可以直接用。


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