如果我和你妈妈同时掉到河里,你会救谁? 答案一:你(妈妈听着心寒呐!但是为了取得一时之功而这么说,俺们也都理解,是不,二丫!) 答案二:我妈(我从人格的角度上,尊敬你。但是从智商的角度上╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮鄙视你!) 答案三——等等!前面两个人在惊呼,原来还有答案三! 无老师答:废话,还有答案四、五、六呢^_^! 答案三:都救!你说只能就一个,就只救一个呀!本公子水性好,偏要两个都救。(但是取悦MM的效果没达到:P) 答案四——前面两个人在惊呼,真的有答案四啊! 无老师答:废话,低调、低调! 答案四:我情愿和你一起去死!(好样的!取悦MM的效果完全达到,而且有可能今晚还能得到小甜点^_^) 答案五——无老师直接说话:前面两个人给我低调!低调!^_^ 答案五:我的父母养育了我,他们给了我生命的希望,但是,因为我遇到了你,我遇到了生活的希望,因为你的出现,我第一次意识到目标二字到底意味着什么,请不要给我这样的选择,如果我的妈妈遇难了,我生不如死;如果你遇难了,你FORMER走,我latter就会随你而去,因为没有你,我的生活就不再有任何一丁点的意义。(低调、低调!) former到底是什么意思呢?如果猜不透的话,请点开我看看——> >/ ˈfɔːmə(r); ˋfɔrmɚ/ adj [attrib 作定语]
of an earlier period or time 以前的: the former world champion 前世界冠军 * my former landlady 我以前的女房东 * in former times 以前 * She's back to her former self again, eg after an illness. 她又恢复了以前的样子(如病後).
being the first mentioned of two things or people 前者的(两者中先提到的): The former option favours the married man. 前一种选择对已婚男子有利.
(idm 习语) a shadow of one's/its former self => shadow.
> the former pron the first mentioned of two things or people 前者: If I had to choose between fish and chicken I'd prefer the former, ie fish. 若让我在鱼和鸡之间选择其一, 我要前者(即鱼).
formerly adv in earlier times; previously 以前; 从前: The company formerly belonged to an international banking group. 该公司以前隶属於一个国际银行集团. * Namibia, formerly South West Africa 纳米比亚, 旧称西南非洲.
of an earlier period or time 以前的: the former world champion 前世界冠军 * my former landlady 我以前的女房东 * in former times 以前 * She's back to her former self again, eg after an illness. 她又恢复了以前的样子(如病後).
being the first mentioned of two things or people 前者的(两者中先提到的): The former option favours the married man. 前一种选择对已婚男子有利.
(idm 习语) a shadow of one's/its former self => shadow.
> the former pron the first mentioned of two things or people 前者: If I had to choose between fish and chicken I'd prefer the former, ie fish. 若让我在鱼和鸡之间选择其一, 我要前者(即鱼).
formerly adv in earlier times; previously 以前; 从前: The company formerly belonged to an international banking group. 该公司以前隶属於一个国际银行集团. * Namibia, formerly South West Africa 纳米比亚, 旧称西南非洲.